Our Services
Autism Evaluations
Autism diagnostic evaluations will include a comprehensive and structured caregiver interview, ASD related rating scale, and the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule - Second Edition. If appropriate, an adaptive rating scale will also be completed.
Psycho-Educational Evaluation
Psychoeducational evaluations are appropriate to determine if your child has any learning differences that may be impacting their ability to access their education. Psychoeducational evaluations are comprehensive and look at cognitive functioning, academic achievement, and social-emotional wellbeing. The results of the psychoeducational evaluation can be used to determine if a child has an intellectual disability, specific learning disability, emotional disturbance, or other health impairment (e.g. ADHD).
Waiver Evaluations
Waiver evaluations are completed to assist individuals with an intellectual or developmental disability in obtaining necessary services and supports once they graduate high school. These evaluations typically include a cognitive evaluation (e.g. WAIS-IV) and an adaptive rating scale (e.g. Vineland-3). This evaluation may also be used to evaluate the appropriateness of social security disability.
Diagnostic Evaluations
These evaluations for individuals who believe they are struggling but are not sure what exactly is going on. These are comprehensive evaluations that can evaluate for mental health disorders, personality disorders, and some neurodevelopmental disorders (e.g. Autism or ADHD).