Discover Your Strengths and Needs to Get the Right Supports to Reach Your Full Potential.

Our Services
Autism Diagnostic Evaluation
Determining whether you meet criteria for autism spectrum disorder and what services and supports may help reach your full potential.
Psychoeducational Evaluation
Determine whether your child meets criteria for an educational disability classification and whether an IEP or 504 plan would be helpful for your child to access their education. Will complete contracted evaluations through the school district.
Waiver Evaluations
Evaluations for individuals with I/DD transitioning to adult services and in need of an evaluation to obtain waiver services and/or social security disability.
Diagnostic Evaluations
An evaluation for those interested in full comprehensive evaluation because they are not sure why they are struggling.
Consultation Services
Consultation with pediatricians, police/fire, businesses, school districts, etc. to better understand Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Therapeutic Services
Therapy specializing in helping individuals with autism across the lifespan.